Statistical methodology

  1. Improving precision of cumulative incidence estimates in randomized controlled trials with external controls (work in progress).
  2. Efficient estimation of target population treatment effect from multiple source trials under effect-measure transportability.
    Su, Z., Rytgaard, H. C. W., Ravn, H., & Eriksson, F. (2024).
    arXiv. Link.
  3. Proximal indirect comparison.
    Su, Z., Rytgaard, H. C. W., Ravn, H., & Eriksson, F. (2024).
    arXiv. Link.
  4. A robustness test for estimating total effects with covariate adjustment.
    Su, Z., & Henckel, L. (2021).
    In Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (pp. 1886-1895). PMLR. Link.